After couple of hours googling and struggling, and got no where, I decide to ask for help here.
What I am trying to accomplish, I am trying to get the IP from the user and use it as a command line parameter in my [Run] Section.
So I have this:
Name: "License"; Description: "Usb Key License Driver"; GroupDescription: "UsbLicense"; Flags: checkedonce
Name: "License/Desktop"; Description: "Desktop License"; GroupDescription: "UsbLicense"; Flags: exclusive
Name: "License/NetworkClient"; Description: "Network Client License Key"; GroupDescription: "UsbLicense"; Flags: exclusive unchecked
Now if the user chooses Network client, I want to be able to show a custom page, and get the IP and use it like this:
Filename: "{app}\Drivers\Program.exe"; Parameters: "/ip:{code:GetIPhere}"; StatusMsg: "Installing drivers..."; Tasks: License/NetworkClient
I managed to create my own page and ran this:
procedure InitializeWizard();
Now for my main question:
1) How do i control WHEN the custom form shows, it shows up before it activates before my Task page.
2) If i can get it to show AFTER task page? How do I write code to make it show under the "Client Network" condition only from task. (If i do this in NextButtonClick method, how do i know what is the page id of my custom page?)
Thanks for all you help, i am just geting so close to finishing my installer, but this is driving me nuts.
I sovled my problem 1, there is a pageAfter parameter when creating the custom page, and we can use the selectedTask constant to determine it to appear AFTER the Task page:
procedure InitializeWizard();
Thanks and Regards, Kev84
You can use the Pascal Script WizardSelectedTasks, which will return you the string of tasks you have created, just do a "Pos" on the returned string and you'll be able to determine if your specific task was chosen.
function Form_ShouldSkipPage(Page: TWizardPage): Boolean;
selectedTask : string;
skipPage : bool;
skipPage := true;
selectedTask := WizardSelectedTasks(false);
if (Pos('client', selectedTask) > 0) then
skipPage := false;
Result := skipPage;