I am trying to send commands to Bloomberg Terminal using DDE. Eg: to display the Microsoft page I can send:
This works fine using a VBA library from EXCEL. However I am trying to do the same from a Python script. I am using the code from here (due to some restrictions I cannot use the more standard win32ui/dde python modules)
Messages are being passed to the Bloomberg Terminal but are not being interpreted correctly, Eg:
de = DDEClient('WinBlp', 'bbk')
results in a Bloomberg window popping up, but with garbled text in the command area, something like
Has anyone seem something like this?
The solution was to change this line
Initialize = get_winfunc("user32", "DdeInitializeW", UINT, (LPDWORD, DDECALLBACK, DWORD, DWORD))
Initialize = get_winfunc("user32", "DdeInitializeA", UINT, (LPDWORD, DDECALLBACK, DWORD, DWORD))
From the MS documentation here:
DdeInitializeA is the ANSI version of the initializer, rather than than the unicode.