I have a form submitting with {exp:channel:entry_form} on Expression Engine 2.3. I'm upgrading a site from EE1.7 to EE2.3, and the form sends correctly on the old version using content data type "x-www-form-urlencoded" (ie. standard data type for posting form data; check out the Network tab in Firebug to see the content data type in the header information).
When using the entry_form tool in EE2.3, however, it sends using content data type "multipart/form-data", and the tool is not gathering the data correctly. Admittedly I don't know what's going on with the back-end, but I do know that the form data is not sending correctly.
How can I ensure that the form data is sending correctly?
Thanks a lot,
is deprecated. Use the SafeCracker module instead.
Aside from that, "not sending correctly" is pretty vague - what errors are you encountering specifically?
Lastly, the current version of EE is version 2.4. You should be using that instead of 2.3.