I've started to learn Innosetup scripting by myself. For this i have created a simple C# console application, which reads an element from a configuration file and outputs onto the console.
<add key ="Name" value="Brad Pitt"/>
For ex: It shall read the value by querying the key attribute "Name".
I want the value in the .config to be written from the Innosetup setup script.
i.e During the installation process i shall gather the name (i.e "Brad Pitt" in this case) and write it to the value of the config file
<add key ="Name" value="Brad Pitt"/>
Question is how do i achieve this, using a Pascal script or a standard script.
Any guidance is deeply appreciated
To achieve this I created a simple procedure, which takes the xml file name as input. The procedure shall parse each line and write the contents to a temp file. The code checks each line looking for the string 'key="Name"':
if (Pos('key="Name"', strTest) <> 0 )
If it finds a match then I replace that particular line by my desired tag, of which the value
is gotten from my custom page.
strTest := ' <add key="Name" value="' + strName + '"/> ';
This gets written into a temp file. I then delete the original exe.config file and rename the temp config file to the exe.config file (thus reflecting the changes I need). Below is the entire code snippet for the procedure, and don't forget to call the procedure from [Files] i.e.
Source: "HUS.exe.config"; DestDir: "{app}"; AfterInstall: ConvertConfig('HUS.exe.config')
Code Snippet
procedure ConvertConfig(xmlFileName: String);
xmlFile: String;
xmlInhalt: TArrayOfString;
strName: String;
strTest: String;
tmpConfigFile: String;
k: Integer;
xmlFile := ExpandConstant('{app}') + '\' + xmlFileName;
tmpConfigFile:= ExpandConstant('{app}') + '\config.tmp';
strName := UserPage.Values[0] +' '+ UserPage.Values[1];
if (FileExists(xmlFile)) then begin
// Load the file to a String array
LoadStringsFromFile(xmlFile, xmlInhalt);
for k:=0 to GetArrayLength(xmlInhalt)-1 do begin
strTest := xmlInhalt[k];
if (Pos('key="Name"', strTest) <> 0 ) then begin
strTest := ' <add key="Name" value="' + strName + '"/> ';
SaveStringToFile(tmpConfigFile, strTest + #13#10, True);
DeleteFile(xmlFile); //delete the old exe.config