I want to read a String (Data) out of a text file and write the Data into a QDoubleSpinBox. Therefore I used:
void GUIsubclassKuehniGUI::LoadDirectory()
QString loadedDirectory = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this,
"/home",tr("Create Directory"),
ui.PathDirectory -> setText(loadedDirectory);
QFileInfo GeoDat1 = loadedDirectory + "/1_geo.m4";
QFileInfo GeoDat2 = loadedDirectory + "/2_geo.m4";
QString Value;
if (GeoDat1.exists() == true)
QFile GEO (loadedDirectory + "/1_geo.m4");
if(GEO.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
QTextStream Stream (&GEO);
QString Text;
Text = Stream.readLine();
QString startWith = "start";
QString endWith = "stop" ;
int start = Text.indexOf(startWith, 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
int end = Text.indexOf(endWith, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
if (start != -1)
Value = Text.mid(start + startWith.length(), end - ( start + startWith.length() ) );
qDebug() << Value << (start + startWith.length()) << (end - (start + startWith.length()));
double ValueNumber = Value.toDouble();
ValueNumber = ui.ValueQDoubleSpinBox->value();
else if (GeoDat2.exists() == true)
When compiling I get no error message, but when I use the method LoadDirectory the QString "Value" searched with the methods "QString::indexOf" and "QString::mid" of the file "/1_geo.m4" which existence I proofed with QFileInfo::exists() is not written into the QDoubleSpinBox "ValueQDoubleSpinBox". Can someone tell me why it is not working? greetings
IMHO the following lines:
double ValueNumber = Value.toDouble();
ValueNumber = ui.ValueQDoubleSpinBox->value(); // get value from spinbox
have to be changed to:
double ValueNumber = Value.toDouble();
ui.ValueQDoubleSpinBox->setValue(ValueNumber); // set value of spinbox
Details: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qdoublespinbox.html#value-prop