Does anyone know if you still need the sf404.aspx mapping for Sitefinity 4.4?
I'm trying to run a new test SF 4.4 project, but when I try and login the page just gives me the following:
HTTP 404 cannot find /sf404.aspx (this was mapped like that for Sitefinity 3.7)
I then changed the IIS 404 configuration from sf404 to default and now I just get HTTP/1.1 404 Object Not Found.
The project works through Cassini, but not through IIS 6.
Any ideas?
Regards, Jacques
the sf404.aspx page is definitely only used for Sitefinity 3.x and should not be mapped in a Sitefinty 4 website.
If you are attempting to run a newer version of Sitefinity on IIS6, you need to make sure to use a wildcard mapping so that all requests go through the ASP.NET engine.
This page details everything you need to setup to run Sitefinity on IIS6:
You might also find this blog post helpful: