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Proper way to copy C strings

Is there an easy way to copy C strings?

I have const char *stringA, and I want char *stringB to take the value (note that stringB is not const). I tried stringB=(char*) stringA, but that makes stringB still point to the same memory location, so when stringA later changes, stringB does too.

I've also tried strcpy(stringB,stringA), but it seems that if stringB wasn't initialized to a large enough array, there's a segfault. I'm not super experienced with C strings though, am I missing something obvious?

If I just initialize stringB as char *stringB[23], because I know I'll never have a string longer than 22 characters (and allowing for the null terminator), is that the right way? If stringB is checked for equality with other C-strings, will the extra space affect anything?

(And just using strings isn't a solution here, as I need minimal overhead and easy access to individual characters.)


  • You could use strdup() to return a copy of a C-string, as in:

    #include <string.h>
    const char *stringA = "foo";
    char *stringB = NULL;
    stringB = strdup(stringA);
    /* ... */
    stringB = NULL; 

    You could also use strcpy(), but you need to allocate space first, which isn't hard to do but can lead to an overflow error, if not done correctly:

    #include <string.h>
    const char *stringA = "foo";
    char *stringB = NULL;
    /* you must add one to cover the byte needed for the terminating null character */
    stringB = (char *) malloc( strlen(stringA) + 1 ); 
    strcpy( stringB, stringA );
    /* ... */
    stringB = NULL;

    If you cannot use strdup(), I would recommend the use of strncpy() instead of strcpy(). The strncpy() function copies up to — and only up to — n bytes, which helps avoid overflow errors. If strlen(stringA) + 1 > n, however, you would need to terminate stringB, yourself. But, generally, you'll know what sizes you need for things:

    #include <string.h>
    const char *stringA = "foo";
    char *stringB = NULL;
    /* you must add one to cover the byte needed for the terminating null character */
    stringB = (char *) malloc( strlen(stringA) + 1 ); 
    strncpy( stringB, stringA, strlen(stringA) + 1 );
    /* ... */
    stringB = NULL;

    I think strdup() is cleaner, myself, so I try to use it where working with strings exclusively. I don't know if there are serious downsides to the POSIX/non-POSIX approach, performance-wise, but I am not a C or C++ expert.

    Note that I cast the result of malloc() to char *. This is because your question is tagged as a c++ question. In C++, it is required to cast the result from malloc(). In C, however, you would not cast this.


    There you go, there's one complication: strdup() is not in C or C++. So use strcpy() or strncp() with a pre-sized array or a malloc-ed pointer. It's a good habit to use strncp() instead of strcpy(), wherever you might use that function. It will help reduce the potential for errors.