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How to know which other projects refer to a certain project in Visual Studio?

In Visual Studio, for a class, a field, a method, I can just right click and say "Find All References" to see who is calling my code.

But there is no similar thing for a project.

What is the simplest way to do so? Do I have to check every project to tell?

Edit: enter image description here

A refers to B, but can not find B using Regex.


    1. Find All (CTRL+SHIFT+F)
    2. "Find what:" = Reference.*ReplaceThisTextWithProjectName
    3. Check "Use:" -> "Regular Expression" in the "Find options" section
    4. "Look at these file types:" = "*.*proj* "
    5. "Look in:" = Select a directory/folder on your drive. Don't use "Entire Solution" it won't get to the project file itself. (Don't forget to check "Include sub-folders")