I have used codeproject to get share data from yahoo ( http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/37550/Stock-quote-and-chart-from-Yahoo-in-C ).
In yahoo finance, there are 'Key Statistics' which i would like to use, but are not available by this means (e.g. data at http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/q/ks?s=BNZL.L ). Is there any way to get this information directly? I would really rather not screen scrape if possible.
I am using C#/.NET4.
You can use my lib for .NET Yahoo! Managed. There you have the MaasOne.Finance.YahooFinance.CompanyStatisticsDownload class to do exactly what you want.
p/s: You need to use the latest version (0.10.1). v0.10.0.2 is obsolete with Key Statistics Download.