Our group has several people, any number of which may be working on any combination of gems. Currently, our Gemfile has stuff like this:
gem 'awesome-gem', :git => 'git@github.com:somebody/awesome-gem.git'
# gem 'awesome-gem', :path => '/Users/developer-A/workspace/awesome-gem'
# gem 'rad-gem', :git => 'git@github.com:somebody/rad-gem.git', :branch => 'release'
gem 'rad-gem', :path => '/some/path/specific-to/developer-B/rad-gem'
So developer-A was working on awesome-gem locally, and when they finished up, they just replaced their :path the gem's :git location and committed both to version control. developer-B and C do the same thing for rad-gem, each has a different :path in their locally modified Gemfile and if the Gemfile every has real changes, they have to undo their local :path setup, commit, undo to point back to their local version of rad-gem, etc.
This is both a pain and ugly, so I tried to come up with a better solution but the best I could come up with is something like this:
gem 'rad-gem', :path => ENV['RADGEM_PATH']
gem 'rad-gem', :git => 'git@github.com:somebody/rad-gem.git', :branch => 'release'
This allows developer-B and C to set their own rad-gem path while removing much of the pain mentioned above. however, it is still ugly and I'm wondering if there is a better way to do this, possibly using groups?
Update (current)
A recent update to bunder now provides local git repos. This is the current way of solving this problem. Thank you sekrett
Update (outdated)
If you have Bundler >= 1.2, there is now a better way to do this. For example,
bundle config local.blog ~/Work/gems/blog
original answer (outdated)
A friend of mine on the rspec core team showed me the approach they used in the rspec-core Gemfile, so I guess I'll use that.