I have a table with (among other things) dates in a field.
I need to get a list of all dates that are more recent than the oldest date, older than the most recent date, and are completely missing from the table.
So, if the table contained:
I want a query that returns:
Something like this (assuming your table is named your_table
and the date column is named the_date
with date_range as (
select min(the_date) as oldest,
max(the_date) as recent,
max(the_date) - min(the_date) as total_days
from your_table
all_dates as (
select oldest + level - 1 as a_date
from date_range
connect by level <= (select total_days from date_range)
select ad.a_date
from all_dates ad
left join your_table yt on ad.a_date = yt.the_date
where yt.the_date is null
order by ad.a_date;
the WITH
clause is called a "common table expression" and is equivalent to a derived table ("inline view").
It's similar to
select *
from (
) all_dates
join your_table ...
The second CTE simply creates a list of dates "on-the-fly" using a undocumented feature of Oracle's connect by
Re-using a select (like I did with calculating the first and last date) is a bit easier (and IMHO more readable) than using derived tables.
Edit 2:
This can be done with a recursive CTE as well:
with date_range as (
select min(the_date) as oldest,
max(the_date) as recent,
max(the_date) - min(the_date) as total_days
from your_table
all_dates (a_date, lvl) as (
select oldest as a_date, 1 as lvl
from date_range
union all
select (select oldest from date_range) + lvl, lvl + 1
from all_dates
where lvl < (select total_days from date_range)
select ad.a_date, lvl
from all_dates ad
left join your_table yt on ad.a_date = yt.the_date
where yt.the_date is null
order by ad.a_date;
Which should work in all DBMS supporting recursive CTEs (PostgreSQL and Firebird - being more standard compliant - do need the recursive
keyword though).
Note the hack select (select oldest from date_range) + lvl, lvl + 1
in the recursive part. This should not be necessary, but Oracle still has some bugs with regards to DATEs in a recursive CTE. In PostgreSQL the following works without problems:
all_dates (a_date, lvl) as (
select oldest as a_date, 0 as lvl
from date_range
union all
select a_date + 1, lvl + 1
from all_dates
where lvl < (select total_days from date_range)