I am trying to find rows in a table that follows a specific pattern. For example, there is a table with three columns, ID, PRODUCT_ID and ACTION respectively.
1 A001 ABC
2 A001 DHI
3 A001 FGH
4 B111 FGH
5 A001 JKL
6 A001 ZAB
I would like to retrieve the records having 3 actions in order, ABC-FGH-ZAB for same PRODUCT_ID. From above example, I would like to get the rows with IDs, 1, 3, and 6 as an answer and the row with ID 4 should be ignored since it has a different PRODUCT_ID. How do I formulate a query to have a result set like below on MySQL?
1 A001 ABC
3 A001 FGH
6 A001 ZAB
I try not to use a nested query unless I have to for a performance reason . The order of ACTION is important, so FGH-ZAB-ABC should not be retrieved.
Thanks in advance
yt1.ID AS First,
yt2.ID AS Second,
yt3.ID AS Third
YourTable yt1
JOIN YourTable yt2
ON yt2.ID > yt1.ID
AND yt2.Action = 'FGH'
AND yt2.Product_ID = y1.Product_ID
JOIN YourTable yt3
ON yt3.ID > yt2.ID
AND yt3.Action = 'ZAB'
AND yt3.Product_ID = y1.Product_ID
yt1.Action = 'ABC'