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GWT RequestFactory not firing properly after using edit()

I have a problem using "fire()" with a GWT RequestFactory after I've used it to unfreeze and edit a proxy.

If I have two request factory objects and their associated contexts like this:

private SyntheticRequest req1 = requestFactory.someRequest(); 
private Request<xProxy> sendRequest1 = req1.something(); 

private SyntheticRequest req2 = requestFactory.someRequest(); 
private Request<xProxy> sendRequest2 = req2.something();

using "fire()" on the first request works fine: Receiver<xProxy>() {
    public void onSuccess(xProxy response) {
        if (somethingIsTrue){
               xProxy x = req2.edit(response);  //<-- **I think this causes a problem later, although the proxy "x" works as expected here.**

that part runs ok because I get to the "onSuccess". But when this one runs "update()", which looks like this:

private void update(){ Receiver<xProxy>(){

sendRequest2 always fails, with the error

Server Error Index:0 Size:0

and I put a breakpoint in the code for the "something()" service and it never even gets to that code! There must be something about the "req2.edit()" that hurts req2 and sendRequest2, but what?



  • what is 'b'? the line xProxy x = req2.edit(b); is the first time it's mentioned? is it supposed to be xProxy x = req2.edit(response);

    Anyway.. that is not the problem.. 'Server Error' indicates that RequestFactory caught an exception during the processing of a request, server-side. Something (but maybe not something()) is throwing an IndexOutOfBounds exception.

    If you have a look at (which you can replace with your own very easily btw) you can see it setting up a try catch block that catches all exceptions when processing a request. It passes them to 'DefaultExceptionHandler' which wraps them in a ServerFailure, and that gets returned to you GWT code as an onFailure() call.

    An easy way to find where the exception is being thrown is set a breakpoint on IndexOutOfBoundsException, making sure to catch 'caught' exceptions as well as uncaught.