Let me describe the scenario first. I have a main build file called main_build.xml. This file calls 4 other build files defined for sub projects, copies the Jars generated by sub project builds and then creates a WAR and finally EAR.
I have my classpath dependencies defined in a XML file named my_clspath.xml.
Now I have two questions:
1. How do I include my_clspath.xml file within the main_build.xml?
2. After including the my_clspath.xml in main_build, how do I make the classpath available for all 4 sub builds which are called from this main_build?.
my_clspath.xml content:
<fileset dir="../myApp_Ear/build/">
<include name="**/*.jar" />
<fileset dir="../myApp_Ear/lib/">
<include name="**/*.jar" />
<project name="Your Project">
<include file="my_clspath.xml" />
<ant antfile="sub1.xml" inheritAll="true" inheritRefs="true" />
Also, you should set an id
on the Filesets. Just having them in your Ant file does not do anything.
<fileset dir="../myApp_Ear/build/" id="my.EAR.fileset">
<include name="**/*.jar" />
Then, in sub1.xml
, you can reference the filesets with <fileset refid="my.EAR.fileset" />
Hope this helps.