i'm a bit of a noob with JMX and servers... I have a multi-node configuration (basically 2 nodes) and i'm creating and registering MBeans on the MBeanServer in both of them. The problem is the MBeanServers are different for my 2 Tomcat servers, whereas i want one global JMX server, so i can see all the MBeans at once.
For the main node i've added these options to the JVM settings:
But if i use the same settings for the second node it will tell me the port is already in use, which is kind of normal. If i don't use any such settings it will just create its own server. Btw, i'm getting the MBeanServer reference with ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer()
Is there another way i should connect to the initially created server?
Thanks, Teo
is just a fancy name of a bunch of RMI methods. It is basically a JVM add-on, not a standalone server or process. If you have two different JVMs, you have two MBeanServer
s, period. If you want to monitor both using JMX, you need some sort of management console/proxy that will connect to both MBeanServer
s and collect data from both of them.