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simpleopenni point cloud program with Kinect

I am trying to use processing to get the point cloud. But it turn out that it does not work

import SimpleOpenNI.*;

import processing.opengl.*;

SimpleOpenNI kinect;

void setup()

  size( 1024, 768, OPENGL);

  kinect = new SimpleOpenNI( this );



void draw()

  background( 0);


  translate( width/2,  height/2, -1000);

  rotateX( radians(180));


  PVector[] depthPoints = kinect.depthMapRealWorld();

  //the program get stucked in the for loop it loops 307200 times and I don't have any points output

  for( int i = 0; i < depthPoints.length ; i++)

    PVector currentPoint = depthPoints[i];

    point(currentPoint.x,  currentPoint.y, currentPoint.z );



  • Your code if fine, just tested. It loops 307200 times because it converts data from the depth image (640x480 = 307200) into 3D positions.

    Are you sure you're not getting any errors ? Also, drawing all the points in Processing is a bit slow, you might want to skip a few. And as test, try to print out the 1st point and see if the value changes at all (it should) or if the depth image has any data (isn't black/filled with zeroes):

    import SimpleOpenNI.*;
    import processing.opengl.*;
    SimpleOpenNI kinect;
    void setup()
      size( 1024, 768, OPENGL);
      kinect = new SimpleOpenNI( this );
    void draw()
      background( 0);
      image(kinect.depthImage(),0,0,160,120);//check depth image
      translate( width/2,  height/2, -1000);
      rotateX( radians(180));
      PVector[] depthPoints = kinect.depthMapRealWorld();
      //the program get stucked in the for loop it loops 307200 times and I don't have any points output
      for( int i = 0; i < depthPoints.length ; i+=4)//draw point for every 4th pixel
        PVector currentPoint = depthPoints[i];
        if(i == 0) println(currentPoint);
        point(currentPoint.x,  currentPoint.y, currentPoint.z );