I have a Firebird database with several tables in it. There are several columns who were added when database was created as
alter table Machines add MachineVersion varchar(100) CHARACTER SET UNICODE_FSS
I want to modify these columns to drop the CHARACTER SET UNICODE_FSS
so I ran the command
alter table Machines alter column MachineVersion type VARCHAR(100)
Still, when I open the database in SQL Manager the character set for these columns is still UNICODE_FSS.
Is there another syntax for the second command to remove the CHARACTER SET UNICODE_FSS
alter table Machines alter column MachineVersion type VARCHAR(100)
This query won't change the character set.
If you want to remove charater set you should alter domain like:
update RDB$FIELDS set
where RDB$FIELD_NAME = 'RDB$141'
Instead of RDB$141 use column domain