Is there any way to know if at client side Busy box(Processing Label) is being shown (any method like isBusy()).
Further can I do clearBusy()
on an Event. Like click on an Button
Note:if you can answer first part pls do post it.
There must be some low level JS API in ZK for the first question i.e. to check if a busy message is being shown.
For the second part you can use do it by calling Clients.clearBusy(Component) Note: you should be calling Clients.showBusy(Component, String) for this to work
<window border="normal" title="hello">
<div height="200px" width="200px" style="background:yellow">
<button id="btn1" label="Show Busy" onClick='Clients.showBusy(self.getParent(), "Busy")'/>
<div height="200px" width="200px" style="background:red">
<button id="btn2" label="Clear busy" onClick="Clients.clearBusy(btn1.getParent())"/>
See the live demo here