I am trying to come up an adf xml file to post to a crm.
so far I have been able to create this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<adf version="1.0">
but need to create this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<?adf version="1.0"?>
I cant seem to find a way to create the tag. Need help.
I am trying to come up with and adf xml file using php dom the file should look like this
I m trying to come up with an adf xml document using the dom in php eg
<?ADF VERSION="1.0"?>
<id sequence="uniqueLeadId" source="name of promotion"></id>
<vehicle interest="buy" status="used">
<name part="first" type="individual">Johnny</name>
<name part="last" type="individual">Customer</name>
<phone type="home">857-485-7485</phone>
<phone type="work">867-586-7584</phone>
<phone type="mobile">979-685-9685</phone>
<comments>What is your best price?</comments>
<name part="full">Name of lead provider or web-site</name>
<phone type="business">857-485-7485</phone>
I am able to create the file only problem is creating the adf declaration on the xml. I am only able to create an element and assign an attribute to it eg
$root = $xmlDoc->appendChild($xmlDoc->createElement("adf"));
$pi = $xmlDoc->createProcessingInstruction('adf', 'version="1.0"');