We were able to get an response with Status as Idle after send the first payload as mdm:. Now we want to send a simple device lock payload. we followed the exact same process to send the payload but the response returned was blank.
We are following the certificate use as follows: 1. On the MDM server, To send mdm commands we use MDM Vendors APNS certificate with identifier as com.apple.mgmt.myapp.(This identifier is set as topic in configuration profile). 2. In the configuration profile, we are setting the credentials as the p12 file which is returned by the MDM Client.
I am getting the below error..: MC|Failed to parse profile data. Error:
NSError 0x1c58c2f0:
Desc : Invalid Profile
US Desc: Invalid Profile
Domain : MCProfileErrorDomain
Code : 1000
Type : MCFatalError
<Warning>: MDM|Command Status: Error
Error: NSError 0x1c58c2f0:
Desc : Invalid Profile
US Desc: Invalid Profile
Domain : MCProfileErrorDomain
Code : 1000
Type : MCFatalError
You do not send the device lock profile using APNS. The device 'phones home' after it receives the MDM payload via APNS and your server sends back XML (NOT JSON!) to the device containing the device lock command.