How to turn off error highlighting (red wave under the code) for c++11 cycle range-based operators like that?
int myint[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
for (auto x : myint){/**/}
Hover prompt shows "unexpected token :
". The code compiles perfectly.
Another issue - the autocomplete doesn't show unique_ptr
in std::
namespace, though compiles OK.
If you're writing in C++11 you should change from using QT Creator as the IDE to using Eclipse CDT. At least this is how I solved this problem. QT Creator doesn't seem to have any way to customize this real-time syntax checking. Eclipse on the other hand is extensively customizable in this regard.
Update: I think that QtCreator has improved its support for newer versions of C++ since this answer was given, so it is no longer correct. I can't delete it as it is an accepted answer.