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MySQL vs Web Server for processing data

I was wondering if it's faster to process data in MySQL or a server language like PHP or Python. I'm sure native functions like ORDER will be faster in MySQL due to indexing, caching, etc, but actually calculating the rank (including ties returning multiple entries as having the same rank):

Sample SQL

    distance AS thisscore,
    (SELECT COUNT(distinct(distance))+1 FROM torch_info WHERE distance > thisscore) AS rank
    FROM torch_info ORDER BY rank

Server opposed to just doing a SELECT TORCH_ID FROM torch_info ORDER BY score DESC and then figure out rank in PHP on the web server.


  • Edit: Since posting this, my answer has changed completely, partly due to the experience I've gained since then and partly because relational database systems have gotten significantly better since 2009. Today, 9 times out of 10, I would recommend doing as much of your data crunching in-database as possible. There are three reasons for this:

    1. Databases are highly optimized for crunching data—that's their entire job! With few exceptions, replicating what the database is doing at the application level is going to be slower unless you invest a lot of engineering effort into implementing the same optimizations that the DB provides to you for free—especially with a relatively slow language like PHP, Python, or Ruby.

    2. As the size of your table grows, pulling it into the application layer and operating on it there becomes prohibitively expensive simply due to the sheer amount of data transferred. Many applications will never reach this scale, but if you do, it's best to reduce the transfer overhead and keep the data operations as close to the DB as possible.

    3. In my experience, you're far more likely to introduce consistency bugs in your application than in your RDBMS, since the DB can enforce consistency on your data at a low level but the application cannot. If you don't have that safety net built-in, so you have to be more careful to not make mistakes.

    Original answer: MySQL will probably be faster with most non-complex calculations. However, 90% of the time database server is the bottleneck, so do you really want to add to that by bogging down your database with these calculations? I myself would rather put them on the web/application server to even out the load, but that's your decision.