This is 'sorta' urgent since my app just went live today.
My app works fine in the emulator, fine when I copy it to my phone, iPad and other iPhones. We tested the heck out of the app. I submitted it to the appstore and it is now approved and live but an error occurs only with the downloaded appstore app.
Basically i am rebalancing a bill using NSDecimal and number formatters. In the emulator and phone when I step through the code all is well. But the appstore bundle wigs out. It almost appears that the data that I am adding and subtracting is not being initalized.
Has anyone ever seen anything like this?
I know this post is completely vague but trying to figure out where to start debugging if the code in emulator works fine.
--UPDATE-- adding code
//save the text field data
int row = [textField tag] - 900;
NSString *enteredSplitAmount = [formatter stringWithNoCurrency:[textField text]];
[theGuestTotals replaceObjectAtIndex:row withObject:enteredSplitAmount];
//Get data object
BillDataObject* data = [self theAppDataObject];
int changedSplitBy = 0;
UITableViewCell *cell;
UITextField *cellTextField;
double adjustedBill = 0.0;
NSString *guestAmountFromArray;
//NSString *guestAmountAdjusted;
//Figure out how many guests did NOT have their bill changed & get new bill total
for (NSUInteger i=0; i < [theGuestTotals count]; i++)
guestAmountFromArray = [theGuestTotals objectAtIndex:i];
if ([guestAmountFromArray isEqualToString:data.splitByAmountChanged])
//Adding ALL guest amounts to get a NEW Bill Total
adjustedBill += [guestAmountFromArray doubleValue];
if (changedSplitBy == 0)
changedSplitBy = 1;
//Convert newBill to decimal
NSDecimalNumber *adjustedBillTotal = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithDouble:adjustedBill];
NSDecimalNumber *originalBillTotal = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithString:data.totalBill];
NSDecimalNumber *splitBy = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithInt:changedSplitBy];
NSDecimalNumber *updatedGuestAmount;
//Figure out the the difference is between the new amount and the old amount
NSDecimalNumber *adjustedBillTotalDifference = [originalBillTotal decimalNumberBySubtracting:adjustedBillTotal];
//figure out the difference each guest who did not have their bill changed difference
NSDecimalNumber *guestSplitAmountDifference = [adjustedBillTotalDifference decimalNumberByDividingBy:splitBy];
//loop through array of guest totals to see if a guest total if different from the original split amout
for (NSUInteger i=0; i < [theGuestTotals count]; i++)
guestAmountFromArray = [theGuestTotals objectAtIndex:i];
if ([guestAmountFromArray isEqualToString:data.splitByAmountChanged])
NSDecimalNumber *guestAmount = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithString:[theGuestTotals objectAtIndex:i]];
NSIndexPath *indexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:i inSection:0];
cell = [tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
cellTextField = (UITextField*)[cell viewWithTag:i+900];
//add the split amount to the guest amount
updatedGuestAmount = [guestAmount decimalNumberByAdding:guestSplitAmountDifference];
//update the textfield with UPDATED amount
cellTextField.text = [formatter stringWithNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle numberToFormat:updatedGuestAmount];
//replace the guest amount in the array with the UPDATED amount
[theGuestTotals replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:[formatter stringWithNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle numberToFormat:updatedGuestAmount]];
} else {
//Not equal so just update the amount from what it was...
//this might not be needed but I need to format if it is...
cellTextField.text = [formatter stringWithNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle numberToFormat: [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:guestAmountFromArray]];
//Now all guests who were not edited GOT updated now save that update for the next time this function is run
data.splitByAmountChanged = [formatter stringWithNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle numberToFormat:updatedGuestAmount];
//Clear out adjustedBill to get NEW totals after we updated each guest in the loop above
adjustedBill = 0;
//Lets see if we are over or under and do the 'REDISTRIBUTE'
for (NSUInteger i=0; i < [theGuestTotals count]; i++)
adjustedBill += [[theGuestTotals objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue];
adjustedBillTotal = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithDouble:adjustedBill];
if ([originalBillTotal compare:adjustedBillTotal] == NSOrderedAscending)
[warningImage setHidden:NO];
NSDecimalNumber *overage = [adjustedBillTotal decimalNumberBySubtracting:originalBillTotal];
[overUnderLabel setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ over",[formatter stringWithNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle numberToFormat:overage]]];
// [self disableDone];
[self enableRedistribute];
else if ([originalBillTotal compare:adjustedBillTotal] == NSOrderedDescending)
[warningImage setHidden:NO];
NSDecimalNumber *underage = [originalBillTotal decimalNumberBySubtracting:adjustedBillTotal];
[overUnderLabel setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ under",[formatter stringWithNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle numberToFormat:underage]]];
// [self disableDone];
[self enableRedistribute];
[warningImage setHidden:YES];
overUnderLabel.text = @"";
//[self enableDone];
[self disableRedistribute];
There was a dead store issue with 2 variables in my method. Even though I set them later on I removed them and re-submitted the app. The issue went away.
Thanks for your tips.