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Common Lisp Compiling and execution time

I have a lisp file which does lots of sampling, file I/O and arithmetic in a loop. (I do particle filtering in common lisp.) I am compiling my lisp file using the compile-file command. I also use the (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (debug 0) (safety 0))) at the beginning of my lisp file as I want to have my results as fast as possible.
I use (time (load "/....../myfile.lisp") and (time (load "/......./myfile.dx64fsl") to measure speed. The issue is that compiling does not bring any advantage to me. There is no improvement. Do I do something wrong? Is there a way to improve things? Speed is the most important criterion so I can sacrifice a lot in order to get a fast response. I have no idea about this kind of issues so any help would be appreciated.
Moreover, when I increase the number of particles (each particle is a vector of size ~40) to like 10000 the code gets really slow, so there may be some memory issues too.
Thank you very much in advance.

edit: This is the profiling results with 1000 particles and 50 iterations.

(LOAD "/.../myfile.dx64fsl") took 77,488,810 microseconds (77.488810 seconds) to run 
                    with 8 available CPU cores.
During that period, 44,925,468 microseconds (44.925470 seconds) were spent in user mode
                    32,005,440 microseconds (32.005440 seconds) were spent in system mode
2,475,291 microseconds (2.475291 seconds) was spent in GC.
 1,701,028,429 bytes of memory allocated.
 1,974 minor page faults, 0 major page faults, 0 swaps.
; Warning: Function CREATE-MY-DBN has been redefined, so times may be inaccurate.
;          MONITOR it again to record calls to the new definition.
; While executing: MONITOR::MONITOR-INFO-VALUES, in process repl-thread(10).

                             %      %                          Per      Total     Total
Function                    Time   Cons    Calls  Sec/Call     Call     Time      Cons
SAMPLE:                    25.61   26.14  2550000  0.000005      174    13.526   443040000
DISCRETE-PARENTS:          19.66    3.12  4896000  0.000002       11    10.384    52800000
LINEAR-GAUSSIAN-MEAN:       8.86    3.12  1632000  0.000003       32     4.679    52800000
DISCRETE-PARENT-VALUES:     7.47   12.33  3264000  0.000001       64     3.946   208896000
LIST-DIFFERENCE:            6.41   25.69  6528000  0.000001       67     3.384   435392000
CONTINUOUS-PARENTS:         6.33    0.00  1632000  0.000002        0     3.343           0
PF-STEP:                    5.17    0.23       48  0.056851    80080     2.729     3843840
CONTINUOUS-PARENT-VALUES:   4.13    7.20  1632000  0.000001       75     2.184   122048000
TABLE-LOOKUP:               3.85    8.39  2197000  0.000001       65     2.035   142128000
PHI-INVERSE:                3.36    0.00  1479000  0.000001        0     1.777           0
PHI-INTEGRAL:               3.32    1.38  2958000  0.000001        8     1.755    23344000
PARENT-VALUES:              2.38   10.65  1122000  0.000001      161     1.259   180528016
CONDITIONAL-PROBABILITY:    1.41    0.00   255000  0.000003        0     0.746           0
TOTAL:                     97.96   98.24  30145048                       51.746  1664819856
Estimated monitoring overhead: 21.11 seconds
Estimated total monitoring overhead: 23.93 seconds

with 10000 particles and 50 iterations:

(LOAD "/.../myfile.dx64fsl") took 809,931,702 microseconds (809.931700 seconds) to run 
                    with 8 available CPU cores.
During that period, 476,627,937 microseconds (476.627930 seconds) were spent in user mode
                    328,716,555 microseconds (328.716550 seconds) were spent in system mode
54,274,625 microseconds (54.274624 seconds) was spent in GC.
 16,973,590,588 bytes of memory allocated.
 10,447 minor page faults, 417 major page faults, 0 swaps.
; Warning: Funtion CREATE-MY-DBN has been redefined, so times may be inaccurate.
;          MONITOR it again to record calls to the new definition.
; While executing: MONITOR::MONITOR-INFO-VALUES, in process repl-thread(10).

                             %      %                          Per       Total     Total
Function                    Time   Cons    Calls  Sec/Call     Call      Time      Cons
SAMPLE:                    25.48   26.11  25500000  0.000006       174   144.211  4430400000
DISCRETE-PARENTS:          18.41    3.11  48960000  0.000002        11   104.179   528000000
LINEAR-GAUSSIAN-MEAN:       8.61    3.11  16320000  0.000003        32    48.751   528000000
LIST-DIFFERENCE:            7.57   25.66  65280000  0.000001        67    42.823  4353920000
DISCRETE-PARENT-VALUES:     7.50   12.31  32640000  0.000001        64    42.456  2088960000
CONTINUOUS-PARENTS:         5.83    0.00  16320000  0.000002         0    32.980           0
PF-STEP:                    5.05    0.23       48  0.595564    800080    28.587    38403840
TABLE-LOOKUP:               4.52    8.38  21970000  0.000001        65    25.608  1421280000
CONTINUOUS-PARENT-VALUES:   4.25    7.19  16320000  0.000001        75    24.041  1220480000
PHI-INTEGRAL:               3.15    1.38  29580000  0.000001         8    17.849   233440000
PHI-INVERSE:                3.12    0.00  14790000  0.000001         0    17.641           0
PARENT-VALUES:              2.87   10.64  11220000  0.000001       161    16.246  1805280000
CONDITIONAL-PROBABILITY:    1.36    0.00  2550000  0.000003         0     7.682           0
TOTAL:                     97.71   98.12  301450048                       553.053  16648163840
Estimated monitoring overhead: 211.08 seconds
Estimated total monitoring overhead: 239.13 seconds


  • Typical arithmetic stuff in Common Lisp can be slow. Improving it is possible, but needs a bit of knowledge.

    Reasons for slow number operations:

    • Common Lisp numbers are not what the CPU provides (bignums, rational, complex, ...)
    • automatic change from fixnum to bignum and back
    • generic math operations cause runtime type dispatch
    • tagging uses bits of the word size
    • consing of numbers, numbers use added space on the heap

    One thing you can see from the profiling output is that you generate 1.7 GB garbage. This is a typical hint that your number operations cons (allocate too much memory). One reason for that is that temporary results require memory, instead of reusing temporary memory. To get rid of that is often not that easy, since it depends on optimizations by the compiler and or the specific code. It is just a guess on my side, that these are number operations, but its a typical pattern: lots of memory allocated in code -> numeric operations could be responsible.

    Ken Anderson (unfortunately he died a few years ago) has some advice on his web site for improving numeric software: (archived here: web archive )

    A usual solution is to give the code to some experienced Lisp developer who knows a bit about the compiler used and/or possible optimisations.