I'm trying to run a process and when it's done, read stderr and stdout. I found only way to do this with Python is creating a subprocess.Popen, with subprocess.PIPE as stderr and stdout args, and then reading Popen.stderr and Popen.stdout file descriptors.
In [133]: subprocess.call(['python', '-c', "import sys; sys.exit(1)"])
Out[133]: 1
In [134]: p = subprocess.Popen(['python', '-c', "import sys; sys.exit(1)"])
In [135]: p.returncode
In [136]:
I can get returncode of subprocess.call
but I can't get returncode of subprocess.Popen
. I've also tried reading stderr to see if subprocess.Popen really runs the command:
In [143]: p = subprocess.Popen(['python', '-c', "import sys; sys.stderr.write('ook'); sys.exit(1)"], stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
In [144]: p.stderr.read()
Out[144]: 'ook'
In [145]: p.returncode
In [146]: p.kill()
In [147]: p.returncode
In [148]:
So I can read stderr, which means command I give to subprocess.Popen is running, but I can't get returncode of subprocess.Popen
. Any ideas?
You have to wait
for the command to finish.
>>> p.wait()
>>> p.returncode
Or use communicate
>>> stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
>>> stdout
>>> stderr
>>> p.returncode