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Use C# to write ASP code on a page

I have ASP code like this:

<ext:Panel ID="pnlHelp" CtCls="help-panel" AnimCollapse="true"">
        <h1>some text</h1>
            More text[...]

I would like to generate the <Content> tag dynamically using C#. I tried this, like with regular HTML tags:

<ext:Panel ID="pnlHelp" CtCls="help-panel" AnimCollapse="true"">
        <% Response.Write("<h1>some text</h1>"); %>                             
            More text[...]

But the text ends up somewhere near the beginning of the page where I didn't intend it to go. How can I do this?


  • You output appears on the top of the page because your Response.Write() is being executed before page content is put to respose.

    Why not just

    <%="<h1>some text</h1>" %> 

    You can create a method that will return a string and call it from your *.as?x file:

    protected string GetMyCoolHtml()
        return "<h3>this is my text</h3>";
    <%= GetMyCoolHtml() %>