I think I'am hitting a limitation with phpactiverecord, but need clarification:
$data = array(
'conditions' => array(
'still_in_contest' => 1,
'contest_month' => $month,
'`genres`.`id`' => $genre, # THIS is the issue.. and an awkward "hack" that
# I was hoping would work..
'include' => array('song' => array('artist','genre')),
'joins' => array('
ON (songs.id = contest_submissions.song_id)
LEFT JOIN genres
ON (genres.id = songs.genre_id)',
Is it impossible to simply add something like genres.id
into the query?
is setting up the query as:
WHERE `contest_submissions`.`genres`.`id`=?
If it is is there some other way to still benefit from autoloading with another similar query without doing everything on my own?
EDIT: My solution right now has been to just modify the core of phpactiverecord's SQLBuilder class to not append the name of the table if there's a dot in the key...
I tried your solution Nanne, and it iddn't work out. Phpactiverecord ends up prepending the table name to everything. :(
$genre = 1
$data['conditions']['genres.id'] = $genre;
$data['conditions']['contest_submissions.still_in_contest'] = 1;
$data['conditions']['contest_submissions.contest_month'] = $month;
It worked out previous because I kept my hack in. Did I format the condition incorrectly?
yes.. yes I did format it incorrectly.
You can do something like this. I've not tested it because I didn't have time to recreate your tables, but it is what I currently use: it is just a different syntax to use in your conditions.
$join = "LEFT JOIN songs ON (songs.id = contest_submissions.song_id)
LEFT JOIN genres ON (genres.id = songs.genre_id)";
$models = \Models\YourModel::all(array(
'joins' => $join,
'conditions' => array('contest_submissions.still_in_contest = ?
AND contest_submissions.contest_month = ?
AND genres.id = ?',
(I hope I got the tablenames and the amount of arrays/brackets right :)