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Android - AppWidgetProvider refresh content after configure activity

I've got a configuration activity fired from an appWidget button. If some parameters for the app are changed within the configuration activity, once saved those i should close the current activity (finish()) and refresh the appWidjet textviews content. Any chance I can force the refresh/update? Thanks!


  • You can update appswidget from any activity on any event in app:

     RemoteViews views = new RemoteViews(getPackageName(), R.layout.appswidget);
     views.setTextViewText(, "Tiwari");
     ComponentName thisWidget = new ComponentName(v.getContext(), WidgetProvider.class);
     AppWidgetManager manager = AppWidgetManager.getInstance(InfoActivity.this);
     manager.updateAppWidget(thisWidget, views);

    here RemoteViews view that will updated here, and by manager.updateAppWidget(), onUpdate() of AppWidgetProvider will called and refresh on appWidget.

    you will get here a good demo.