I'm doing the SaaS Stanford class, trying to do Part 5 of this assignment
I'm having a really hard time grasping this concept, this is what I've attempted to do:
class Class
def attr_accessor_with_history(attr_name)
attr_name = attr_name.to_s
attr_reader attr_name
attr_reader attr_name + '_history'
class_eval %Q'{def #{attr_name}(a);#{attr_name}_history.push(a) ; end;}'
I'm probably doing all sorts of things wrong, read The Book Of Ruby chapter on metaprogramming and I still don't get it, can someone help me comprehend this?
This was fun!!!
class Class
def attr_accessor_with_history(attr_name)
attr_name = attr_name.to_s # make sure it's a string
attr_reader attr_name
attr_reader attr_name+"_history"
class_eval %Q"
def #{attr_name}=(value)
if !defined? @#{attr_name}_history
@#{attr_name}_history = [@#{attr_name}]
@#{attr_name} = value
@#{attr_name}_history << value
class Foo
attr_accessor_with_history :bar
class Foo2
attr_accessor_with_history :bar
def initialize()
@bar = 'init'
f = Foo.new
f.bar = 1
f.bar = nil
f.bar = '2'
f.bar = [1,nil,'2',:three]
f.bar = :three
puts "First bar:", f.bar.inspect, f.bar_history.inspect
puts "Correct?", f.bar_history == [f.class.new.bar, 1, nil, '2', [1,nil,'2',:three], :three] ? "yes" : "no"
old_bar_history = f.bar_history.inspect
f2 = Foo2.new
f2.bar = 'baz'
f2.bar = f2
puts "\nSecond bar:", f2.bar.inspect, f2.bar_history.inspect
puts "Correct?", f2.bar_history == [f2.class.new.bar, 'baz', f2] ? "yes" : "no"
puts "\nIs the old f.bar intact?", f.bar_history.inspect == old_bar_history ? "yes" : "no"
Note that the only reason you need to use strings with class_eval is so that you can refer to the value of attr_name
when defining the custom setter. Otherwise one would normally pass a block to class_eval