I'm trying to use this gem to create a honeypot field, but I'm not sure how to implement it. How does the form know which field to make the honeypot and where do I specify the label? Here is the code I've used for the field, however when I run the app the form appears to be visible:
= form_for(:invitation, :url => request_invite_path, :html => {:id => 'login_form', :honeypot => true}) do |form|
= form.text_field :email, :size => nil
= form.text_field :honeypot #This field was created to store the honeypot input
%button{:type => "submit"} Request Invite
This honeypot is being used on a registration form which only asks for email address and then there is the extra honeypot field which is hidden. I currently have an invitation service, so when people input their email, an invitation is created and I can accept or reject it. What I want to do is get rid of the invitation feature, but I figure I can use this invitation feature in conjunction with the honeypot field to stop bots from registering.
Is there a way for me to skip the models and still use the honeypot field to either accept or reject the invitation? I don't actually need to store the honeypot data, but I need to use it to decide whether or not the invitation should be accepted.
So it should work like this:
One more thing, how do I test the honeypot field to see if its working? I want to fill it out and see if my code is doing what its supposed to.
So from what I get, you have a landing page form in which the user has to enter an email, and there's a honeypot to filter bots.
If you're using that gem, you'll see that you don't need to add
yourself the honeypot field to the form. When you implement it with
:honeypot => true
in the html options, it automatically creates a
hidden text field with the appropriate label for accessibility.
If you're using a honeypot for filtering bots, when a bot submits
the form to the controller, and has filled out both the email and
the honeypot, you just add a before_filter :protect_from_spam
. If
you want to do anything special in that function you can override
its defaults within the controller as well.
You can test it by inspecting the element in the browser (with
Firebug on Firefox for example) simply by changing the css display:
of the honeypot from none to inline. This way you can fill in that
field and see what happens when you do without actually changing the