i am developing app that would receive data from server any time. i have searched some mechanism to do this
C2DM: but i require Google account for each device on which app will be installed
MQTT: but it is a Third party and a person for which i am developing does not trust third party because he says in future may be that third party start charging for their service or even stop their service.
Pooling: which is again not a good idea because it consume lot of battery
Is there any better way of doing this..
i have posted similar question before but did not get a satisfactory answer and i am still confused...
The most straightforward and reliable way to implement this is by using C2DM. Requiring a Google account on each device shouldn't be a big deal, because users need that anyway to access the Android Market. The only major exception to worry about will be Kindle Fire users.
This blog post has a good listing of alternative ways to roll your own push service: http://tokudu.com/2010/how-to-implement-push-notifications-for-android/. However, you need to think if the extra effort (including maintenance) is going to be worthwhile.