I'm using stomp.py as a client for ActiveMQ to talk to VeriFIX. Verifix uses JMS.
There is an API topic to send commands to and a API.RESPONSE topic to receive responses.
Only the header arrives at the stomp client, but not the actual payload.
I seem to need to configure Message transformations on order for ActiveMQ to know how to serialize messages to STOMP clients.
http://activemq.apache.org/stomp.html mentions XStream (XML) and Jettison (JSON)
How do I configure XStream or Jettison?
The solution is to include a 'transformation' header.
Valid values are: jms-map-json or jms-map-xml
Here is what the subscribe frame should look like.
After finding this I still can't find it in the ActiveMQ documentation.
Is this documented anywhere?
Since you don't provide any detailed information just some general points which might help:
Here is a walkthrough including source on how someone else solved a similar scenario...
These are links including tutorials and source providing reference information on STOMP/XStream etc.: