I'm not sure that regexes are the best solution here, but they seem logical enough; I'm just not sure how to actually implement this.
Basically, I want my user to be able to type in a method name and have it parsed for validity after each character input. I have defined a valid function format as a regex, and it is easy enough to test if the two match. The trouble is, I would like to be able to do a partial match, so as to let the user know, "So far, this is valid".
For example,
+(NSString *)thisIsAValid:(ObjectiveC *)method;
is a valid method. It can be matched by a simple regex string like
. But I would love to be able to have that same regex string "match"
(which I realize is sort of a backwards way of using regex). I would still not want the regex to match
Is there a way to implement something like this with standard regex functions, or would I have to do something more drastic?
Thanks so much! You guys are invaluable.
After further thinking, I suppose I could make my question a bit more clear (as well as a bit more succinct): Normally, one uses a regex to look for a pattern in text. I.e., how many times does "cat" or "cot" appear in this paragraph. I wish to do the opposite, look for a string "in" a regex. That is, how much of this string, starting from the beginning matches this regex. Ultimately, I would like to return the index at which the string ceases to match the regex in question.
RegexKit seams to use PCRE so you could try to use PCRE directly as it has support for partial matches.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pcre.h>
void test_match(pcre *re, char *subject);
void test_match(pcre *re, char *subject) {
int rc = pcre_exec(re, NULL, subject, (int)strlen(subject),
printf("%s: %s\n", subject,
rc == 0 || rc == PCRE_ERROR_PARTIAL ?
"match or partial" : "no match");
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
pcre *re;
const char *errstr;
int erroffset;
re = pcre_compile("^ABC$", 0, &errstr, &erroffset, NULL);
test_match(re, "A");
test_match(re, "AB");
test_match(re, "ABC");
test_match(re, "ABD");
return 0;
Will print:
A: match or partial
AB: match or partial
ABC: match or partial
ABD: no match