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Why is my Python ircbot stopping at NOTICE * :*** Looking up your hostname... and won't join a channel?

My irc bot is hanging at "NOTICE * :* Looking up your hostname..." It was working before I added some functions to my code. I've since commented those functions out, but it's still not working! It stays at that message, doesn't progress. I have to force it to quit.

I'm a very novice coder, I only started to code two weeks or so ago. So it's totally possible that I have a very stupid error there somewhere. For reference, I used this post to write the framework of my bot. I didn't post the rest of my code but I've put it in this pastebin, in case it is needed!

    import socket
    import urllib2
    import httplib
    import mechanize

    channel = '#testbot'
    botnick = 'tastybot'
    network = ''
    port = 6667
    irc = socket.socket ( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
    irc.connect ( ( network, port ) )
    print irc.recv ( 4096 )
    irc.send ( 'NICK' + botnick + ':\r\n' )
    irc.send ( 'USER tastybot tastybot tastybot :Python IRC\r\n' )
    irc.send ( 'JOIN' + channel + ':\r\n' )
    irc.send ( 'PRIVMSG' + channel + ':What\'s up?\r\n' )
    running = True

    [various functions]

    while running:
        [rest of code]


  • My guess is that the IRC server you are connecting to requires that an ident is given:

    Ident is an old protocol that servers used to identify which user on a shared system was connecting to them. Nowadays, it is most often used to weed out clones and floodbots from compromised machines (which usually don't have identd [the ident daemon] installed).


    The easiest fix to this is to try to connect to another IRC-server, you could try '' as your server. I have had no problems with using my IRC bot on that server.

    Edit: If you want to take a look on the code I am using for connecting to the server: