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What is the most primitive possible toolchain for android programming?

I feel as though I'm trying to learn android programming in the middle of a fireworks display during a rodeo. All the fancy IDE stuff recommended by all the books I seem to find is just monumentally distracting from discovering what I really and truly need just to develop an android app.

Can anyone point me at documentation for the minimal set of the tools needed to actually build an app? I feel like if I could understand what the heck was actually going on, I'd be better able to use the fancy IDE.


  • Primitive? So, not Eclipse, and also not ant. You can use aapt, javac, dx, apkbuilder, and signer directly. Or more-or-less directly; you're still a programmer, you have ways of dealing with repetition.

    I do some on-device app development with Terminal IDE. This is one my build scripts (named 'make'):

    rm src/$P/
    mkdir -m 770 -p dist || exit
    mkdir -m 770 -p build/classes || exit
    mkdir -m 770 -p tmp || exit
    aapt p -f -M AndroidManifest.xml -F build/resources.res \
         -I ~/sdk/3.2/android.jar -S res/ -J src/$P || exit
    cd src
    for F in \ \
    ; do
      if test $P/$F -nt ../build/classes/$P/$(dirname $F)/$(basename $F .java).class; then
        echo Building $P/$F
        javac -d ../build/classes $P/$F 2> ../tmp/javac.out
        ../redcat ../tmp/javac.out
        grep error ../tmp/javac.out && exit
    cd ..
    if [ ! -z $REBUILD ]; then
      set -x
      ( cd src; javac -d ../build/classes $P/ )
      ( cd build/classes; dx --dex --verbose --no-strict --output=../core.dex me ) ||  # 'me' as in me.rapacity.
      apkbuilder dist/core.apk -u -z build/resources.res -f build/core.dex || exit
      signer dist/core.apk core-debug.apk
      echo +++ No need to rebuild .apk

    in which some lengths are gone to to avoid recompilation and to promptly exit after an error. Very little of that needs to be edited per-project.