I believe that no question is silly if it is bugging you. I have this question about pipe-lining?
What is pipe-lining?
Theory says that : "With pipelining, the CPU begins executing a second instruction before the first instruction is completed. Pipelining results in faster processing because the CPU does not have to wait for one instruction to complete the machine cycle."
My question is considering i am working on a uni-processor system, where only one instruction can be executed at a time, how is it possible that simultaneous operation of fetching next instruction is performed when my CPU is busy? If i am lacking conceptual clarity please throw some light on me. If there is separate hardware which makes simultaneous processing happen, what is it? Kindly explain.
There is indeed separate hardware for fetching. There is a whole bunch of bits of separate hardware, arranged in a pipeline. Each part is executing one part of a separate instruction simultaneously. On every clock edge, the results of one stage get passed down to the next.