I use the fallowing HQL-Query with NHibernate:
from Contact a where
a.Id in (select x.Person.Id from PersonCompany x
inner join x.Company y
inner join y.Addresses z
where isnull(z.Street,'')+isnull(z.PostalCode,'') Like :val)
In this query, NHibernate tries to convert :val (which is a string) to a double.
z.Street and z.PostalCode are string-fields which can bee null. It looks like NHibernate has a problem with the first isnull() in the where-clause. when I use z.Street+isnull(z.PostalCode,'')
it is working.
I have also tried cast(isnull(z.Street,'')+isnull(z.PostalCode,'') as string)
but this is also not working, because NHibernate has a Problem with the cast-function (it generates more then two parameters).
Can someone help me, how I can solve this with NHibernate? - Perhaps there is another way to write the where-condition?
I use NHibernate 3.2
Try concat(coalesce(z.Street,''), coalesce(z.PostalCode,''))