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How to create a perfect forwarding constructor for a tuple-like variadic class

I am trying to create thing similar to tuple, but I have come across a problem for writing my constructor.

Here is the code:

#include <tuple>

template <typename... Ts>
struct B {
    template <typename... ArgTypes>
    explicit B(ArgTypes&&... args)
        static_assert(sizeof...(Ts) == sizeof...(ArgTypes),
            "Number of arguments does not match.");

struct MyType {
    MyType() = delete;
    MyType(int x, const char* y) {}

int main()
   B         <int, char>               a{2, 'c'};                      // works
   B         <int, bool, MyType, char> b{2, false, {4, "blub"}, 'c'};  // fails
   std::tuple<int, bool, MyType, char> t{2, false, {4, "blub"}, 'c'};  // works

Now, this works ok if pass simple types as initializers, but it does not, if I try to pass arguments in a brace-enclosed initializer list for non-trivial object.

GCC-4.7 emits the following:

vararg_constr.cpp:21:67: error: no matching function for call to 'B<int, bool, MyType, char>::B(<brace-enclosed initializer list>)'
vararg_constr.cpp:21:67: note: candidates are:
vararg_constr.cpp:6:14: note: B<Ts>::B(ArgTypes&& ...) [with ArgTypes = {}; Ts = {int, bool, MyType, char}]
vararg_constr.cpp:6:14: note:   candidate expects 0 arguments, 4 provided

Clang-3.1 the following:

vararg_constr.cpp:21:40: error: no matching constructor for initialization of
      'B<int, bool, MyType, char>'
   B         <int, bool, MyType, char> b{2, false,{4, "blub"}, 'c'};  // fails
vararg_constr.cpp:6:14: note: candidate constructor not viable: requires 2
      arguments, but 4 were provided
    explicit B(ArgTypes&&... args)

Ok, now what makes me very, very curious is that it works for tuple! According to the Standard ( it has a constructor, that looks pretty much like mine.

template <class... Types>
class tuple {
    // ...

    template <class... UTypes>
    explicit tuple(UTypes&&...);

    // ...

When constructing the tuple object in the same way, it works!

Now I would like to know:

A) What the hell? Why is std::tuple so special, and why don't compilers deduce the correct number of arguments?

B) How can I make this work?


  • A) Why should the Compiler know, that {4, "blub"} is of type MyType and not tuple<int, const char*>?

    B) Change ArgTypes to Ts in the constructor:

    explicit B(Ts&&... args)

    Tuple does also have the following constructor:

      explicit constexpr tuple(const _Elements&... __elements);

    EDIT: The point is, that the constructor with const& is called and not that with the R-Values. Consider the following:

    template <typename... Ts>
    struct B {
      explicit B(const Ts&... elements) { std::cout << "A\n"; }
      template<typename... As,
               typename = typename std::enable_if<sizeof...(As) == sizeof...(Ts)>::type>
      explicit B(As&&... elements) { std::cout << "B\n" ;}
    int main()
      MyType m {1, "blub"};
      B<int, char>           a{2, 'c'};                            // prints B
      B<bool, MyType, char>  b{false, {4, "blub"}, 'c'};           // prints A
      B<bool, MyType, MyType>c{false, {4, "blub"}, std::move(m)};  // prints A