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How to Create an XML Document in Silverlight

I can't seem to figure out how to create a new XML file in SilverLight. I tried using XMLTextWriter and XMLDocument but on both I get the error "does not exist in the current context"

I'm using System.Xml and I can use XMLWriter and XMLReader but I cannot for the life of me figure out what I'm doing wrong. Can someone point me in the right direction please?



  • You are looking for Linq to Xml and the XDocument class. Sample from MSDN:

    XDocument srcTree = new XDocument(
        new XComment("This is a comment"),
        new XElement("Root",
            new XElement("Child1", "data1"),
            new XElement("Child2", "data2"),
            new XElement("Child3", "data3"),
            new XElement("Child2", "data4"),
            new XElement("Info5", "info5"),
            new XElement("Info6", "info6"),
            new XElement("Info7", "info7"),
            new XElement("Info8", "info8")

    This is using the System.Xml.Linq namespace.

    You need to add a reference to the assembly System.Xml.Linq.dll in your Silverlight project:

    enter image description here