I have an .Net MVC 3 web application that has the following structure
Imagine I am currently at the Index.aspx page in the Course area, and I would have a button that would forward me to the LoginPage.aspx
In a ASP.Net MVC I would call http://localhost/Account/Login that it would lead me to the correct page. If I just write it down on the browser it works!
But I would like to use the HTML Helper ActionLink, so I tried:
<%: Html.ActionLink("Log on", "Login", "Account", routeValues: null, htmlAttributes: new { id = "logonLink", data_dialog_title = "Logon" })%>
It get the relative path: http://localhost/Course/Account/Login
I tried also:
<%: Html.ActionLink("Log on", "Login", "../Account", routeValues: null, htmlAttributes: new { id = "loginLink", data_dialog_title = "Login" })%>
I got the error message: Cannot use a leading .. to exit above the top directory.
I also tried the relative path:
<%: Html.ActionLink("Log on", "Login", "~/Account", routeValues: null, htmlAttributes: new { id = "loginLink", data_dialog_title = "Login" })%>
And it lead me to:
I would really appreciate how to find a solution for this problem.
Try this:
<%: Html.ActionLink("Log on", "Login", "Account", new { area = "" } , new { id = "logonLink", data_dialog_title = "Logon" })%>
The key is the area = ""
bit. When using Url.Action
or Html.ActionLink
with areas, if you don't specify the area
route value, MVC will only look for a match in the current area.
It get's even more important when using partial views/templates, since they can be rendered in Views in different areas.
So if using areas, get into the habit of always specifying the area
route value, unless using Url.RouteUrl
or Html.RouteLink