I'm just reading Paypal's API documentation, e.g. Adaptive Accounts API
My question: What's the reason/advantage of using (custom?) HTTP Request Headers for authentication instead of "normal" POST/GET (or even COOKIE) variables?
In the mentioned example PayPal uses the following HTTP Request Headers:
By keeping your authentication info separate from the payload (the data you are transmitting) you make it easier to handle authentication at an earlier stage in the request pipeline. For example, a gatekeeper server can receive requests and authenticate them by looking only at the headers, and then pass them along to the module/server/class that does parses the request body and does the real work.
If the request fails authentication, it can be rejected before it even gets near the code that deals with the money.
Of course, you can architect your system this way no matter what, but keeping it in the headers means you don't need to parse the request body or even look at it. You also don't need to worry about adjusting Content-Length:
if you wanted to modify the headers before passing it along to another server.
I think this is simply because PayPal wants a more robust scheme than either of these can accommodate. WWW-Authenticate only allows for basic (cleartext) and digest (MD5) authentication, and many better schemes have been developed since the spec for these was written. They also don't allow for more than a username and password.
Cookies are technically opaque bits of data that you receive from a server and pass back to it unchanged. Again, they could tell you how to generate the info that you pass along in a Cookie header, but that wouldn't really be following the spec, so at that point, why not just use some custom headers?