I'm trying to use the mstscax.dll (Microsoft Remote Desktop Control) to login to a Vista machine that requires Network Level Authentication.
I've played around with all the methods in IMsRdpClientNonScriptable4, IMsRdpClientAdvancedSettings4 and IMsRdpClient6. There are a slew of functions that appear that the might enable this.
Unfortunately the MSDN documentation is pratacily useless and I can find no examples for any of these on the web. I know that it's possible because a product called "Royal TS" can connect this way.
One hint is that both "Royal TS" and Vista's Remote Desktop create a authoriztion prompt that looks like the one from CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials, this makes me belive that i might be able to use a function like that to get the credential and then possibly use PublisherCertificateChain to tell RDP about it.
Any ideas would be helpful.
So if other people find this:
All that needs to be done is EnableCredSspSupport=true, the problem I had was that I was loading the mstscax.dll manually and the version I was using supported the IMsRdpClientNonScriptable4 interface but simply didn't work. If you just load the control normally just setting EnableCredSspSupport=true works fine.