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Passing variables into a Shadowbox modal window?

I am trying to add an email service to a site. I have a modal message window popping up with Shadowbox (since I had already used Shadowbox on the site for other purposes).

Problem is, I can't seem to pass a variable into my message form that opens up.

I am calling the window thusly

    var thisParentClass = $(this).parent().attr("class");
    alert (thisParentClass);
    var thisIDpos = thisParentClass.indexOf("id-")+3;
    var thisID = thisParentClass.substr(thisIDpos, 3);
        content:    '<form method="post" class="mailForm" action="#"><input type="hidden" name="memberID" value=thisID><p>Please be advised that the member may not be actively receiving mail.. or they might just not care at all.  They have lives too you know.</p>Your E-mail:<input type="text" name="fromEmail" size="25"> <br>Your Name: <input type="text" name="fromName" size="25"> <br>Your Message: <br><textarea cols="50" rows="5" name="nMessage">Your Message Here...</textarea> <br><button type="submit" onclick="return false;" id="mailSubmit" value="Submit">Submit</button> ',
        player:     "html",
        height:     350,
        width:      350,
        options: {modal:true}

All of my alerts are returning the right values, but [thisID] is not getting into my message form. I just keep getting HTML of 'value="thisID"' (note that the quotes surround my variable regardless of if I add them or not). Is there any way at all to get this variable in, or must I switch to another solution? (I would like my windows to all look the same obviously, so if I can't use Shadowbox here I'll have to change all my implementations. B*tch.

I'm not receiving a registration mail from the Shadowbox forum so I can ask this there for some reason, so I thought I would ask here.



  • Replace this:

    <input type="hidden" name="memberID" value=thisID>

    into this:

    <input type="hidden" name="memberID" value='+thisID+'>

    You need to concatenate the value of thisID into the full string using the + sign.

    Full code:

        var thisParentClass = $(this).parent().attr("class");
        alert (thisParentClass);
        var thisIDpos = thisParentClass.indexOf("id-")+3;
        var thisID = thisParentClass.substr(thisIDpos, 3);
            content:    '<form method="post" class="mailForm" action="#"><input type="hidden" name="memberID" value='+thisID+'><p>Please be advised that the member may not be actively receiving mail.. or they might just not care at all.  They have lives too you know.</p>Your E-mail:<input type="text" name="fromEmail" size="25"> <br>Your Name: <input type="text" name="fromName" size="25"> <br>Your Message: <br><textarea cols="50" rows="5" name="nMessage">Your Message Here...</textarea> <br><button type="submit" onclick="return false;" id="mailSubmit" value="Submit">Submit</button> ',
            player:     "html",
            height:     350,
            width:      350,
            options: {modal:true}