As I'm reading the Programming F# book, I found the example code snippet on page 195 as follows:
type ContinuationStep<'a> =
| Finished
| Step of 'a * (unit -> ContinuationStep<'a>)
let iter f binTree =
let rec linearize binTree cont =
match binTree with
| Empty -> cont()
| Node(x, l, r) ->
Step(x, (fun () -> linearize l (fun() -> linearize r cont)))
let steps = linearize binTree (fun () -> Finished)
let rec processSteps step =
match step with
| Finished -> ()
| Step(x, getNext)
-> f x
processSteps (getNext())
processSteps steps
By using continuation, the binary recursion of traversing a binary has been transformed to tail-recursive function processSteps
. My question is that the other function, linearize
seems to be non-tail-recursive. Does that mean we are not able to transform a binary-recursion to a tail-recursion completely even using continuation?
The example is a bit subtle because it does not use ordinary continuations, but instead builds a structure that can be evaluated step-by-step. In a place where you would normally make a recursive call, it returns a value Step
that contains the function that you'd (recursively) call.
In the second case, the linearize
function returns a Step
containing a function that will call linearize
recursively, but it does not immediately make the recursive call. So the function does not make a recursive call (it just stores a recursive reference).
It only makes sense to consider whether the program is tail-recursive when you look at processSteps
, because that does the actual looping - and that is tail-recursive, because it runs a Step
by Step
without keeping stack space for each Step
If you wanted to construct a list instead of a chain of lazy steps then you'd have to make the recursive call to linearize
immediately inside the continuation:
let rec linearize binTree cont =
match binTree with
| Empty -> cont []
| Node(x, l, r) ->
linearize l (fun l -> linearize r (fun v -> cont (x::v)))
This is essentially the same as the previous function, but it actually calls linearize
instead of building Step
containing a function that will call linearize