When constructing an ArgumentException, a couple of the overloads take a string that is the invalid argument's parameter name. I figure it would be nice to not have to remember to update this ctor param whenever I change the method's param name. Is there a simple way to do this using reflection?
Update: thanks to the 2 respondents so far. You both answer the question well, but the solution still leaves me with a maintenance headache. (Okay, a tiny headache, but still...) To explain, if I were to reorder the params later -- or remove an earlier param -- I'd have to remember to change my exception-construction code again. Is there a way I can use something along the lines of
Object.ReferenceEquals(myParam, <insert code here>)
to be sure I'm dealing with the relevant parameter? That way, the compiler would step in to prevent me badly constructing the exception.
That said, I'm starting to suspect that the "simple" part of the original question not that forthcoming. Maybe I should just put up with using string literals. :)
Reflection is not appropriate for this.
You'll have to put up with remembering to get it right.
Fortunately FxCop (or Team System Code Analysis) will help you by pointing out any mismatches.