Does it make sense to have such functions defined
let squash12 (e:('a*('b*'c) )) = e |> (fun (a,(b,c) ) -> (a,b,c ))
let squash21 (e:(('a*'b)*'c )) = e |> (fun ((a,b),c ) -> (a,b,c ))
let squash13 (e:('a*('b*'c*'d))) = e |> (fun (a,(b,c,d)) -> (a,b,c,d))
let seqsquash12 (sa:seq<'T>) = sa |> squash12
let seqsquash21 (sa:seq<'T>) = sa |> squash21
let seqsquash13 (sa:seq<'T>) = sa |> squash13
I could not find another way to make my core code recursive (leading to nested tuples), yet expose simple function that maps to generalized n-dimensional coordinates.
I would have marked your functions as inline so that they could just be
let inline squash1 (a,(b,c)) = (a,b,c)
Also, you don't need the lambdas (fun ...)