Using TK on Windows XP.
my $mw = new MainWindow;
my $text1 = $mw->Text(-width=>20, -height=>10)
->place(-x=>350, -y=>460);
my $showlabel = $mw->Label(-text => "nothing selected")
->place(-x=>50, -y=>120);
$text1->configure( -command => sub {
$showlabel->configure(-text => "You selected:\t" .
After running the code, $showlabel
is not updating whenever I highlight any text.
Can anyone please help?
EDIT: code without button.
And don't forget to call MainLoop
at the end of your program to display the window. Without it, nothing will ever happen.
Try this:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Tk;
my $mw = new MainWindow;
my $text1 = $mw->Text(-width => 20, -height => 10)
->place(-x => 350, -y => 460);
my $showlabel = $mw->Label(-text => "nothing selectd")
->place(-x => 50, -y => 120);
$text1->bind('<KeyPress>' , \&sel);
$text1->bind('<ButtonPress>' , \&sel);
$text1->bind('<ButtonRelease>', \&sel);
sub sel
$showlabel->configure(-text => "You selected:\t" . $text1->getSelected);