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StyleCop for Resharper - Disable checking for read-only files

Recently I have started using ReSharper 6.1, which neatly complements StyleCop which I have already used extensively.

One of the best features of R# to me are:

  • the on-line hightlighting of violations and
  • decompiling framework or third party assemblies directly in Visual Studio

Unfortunately the violation highlighting in decompiled code (LINQ extension methods, etc) is nothing but clutter, as the decompiled files are read-only (which is good).

I know that a work-around is to use Ctrl+Alt+Shift+8 to temporarily disable the highlighting per-file, but I am looking for a more permanent solution..

The Question: Is there an official way or a workaround to disable highlighting for read-only/locked files or alike? Also a link to the bug report/feature request would be much appreciated if this is a bug/missing feature as I am not sure whether this belongs to "Stylecop for Resharper" or Resharper. (Neither project's bugtracker seems to have anything on this.)


  • I have filed a ticket on StyleCop's Issue Tracker. The feature might actually get was added :)

    link to the issue

    There now is an option to analyse decompiled files, which is off by default.