I need to have a Map within a Map in one of my Triggers. I know how to build the map initially as that is documented:
Map<Id, Map<Id, Addendum__c>> addendums = new Map<Id, Map<Id, Addendum__c>>{};
However, I'm having trouble actually assigning values to the multi-dimensional map. Normally I would use .put()
to place values into a single-dimension map. Maybe I'm still supposed to use that function, but I can't for the life of me figure out the correct syntax.
I have tried the following which do not work:
addendums.put(addendum.Opportunity__c, addendum.Id, addendum);
addendums.put(addendum.Opportunity__c, (addendum.Id, addendum));
Does anyone know how to do this?
Using your sample code will work, though of course the second level map can only ever have one entry, if you're in a situation where you may need more then the code below will do the trick for you:
// This line creates the map in the proper format
Map<Id,Map<Id,Addendum__c>> addendums = new Map<Id,Map<Id,Addendum__c>>{};
// This for loop goes through each addendum and first places it into a single dimension map.
// Once that map is created, it is placed into the final multi-dimensional
for(Addendum__c addendum : [SELECT Id,Opportunity__c FROM Addendum__c WHERE Opportunity__c IN :oppBatch])
if(addendums.get(addendum.Opportunity__c) == null)
addendums.put(addendum.Opportunity__c, new Map<Id, Addendum__c>{addendum.Id => addendum);
addendums.get(addendum.Opportunity__c).put(addendum.Id, addendum);
As you can see this uses get()
on the first map to get the correct second-level map in which we want to add an addendum.