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check avaudioplayer's current playback time

Is this the right way to check AVAudioPlayer's current playback time.

[audioPlayer play];

float seconds = audioPlayer.currentTime;

float seconds = CMTimeGetSeconds(duration); 

How I can code after

  [audioPlayer play]; 

that when currentTime is equal to 11 seconds then

[self performSelector:@selector(firstview) withObject:nil]; 

and after firstview when currentTime is equal to 23 seconds

[self performSelector:@selector(secondview) withObject:nil];


  • You could set up a NSTimer to check the time periodically. You would need a method like:

    - (void) checkPlaybackTime:(NSTimer *)theTimer
      float seconds = audioPlayer.currentTime;
      if (seconds => 10.5 && seconds < 11.5) {
        // do something
      } else if (seconds >= 22.5 && seconds < 23.5) {
        // do something else

    Then set up the NSTimer object to call this method every second (or whatever interval you like):

    NSTimer *myTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0 

    Check the NSTimer documentation for more details. You do need to stop (invalidate) the timer at the right time when you're through with it:

    EDIT: seconds will probably not be exactly 11 or 23; you'll have to fiddle with the granularity.